
Saturday, 5 October 2013

A True Feeling

"A person who lived
with your words, can't live 
with ur Silence 
if they truely loves u...

So don't make them die."

Saturday, 14 September 2013

God to People

A Construction Supervisor from 16th Floor of a Building was calling a Worker on Ground Floor.

Because of noice,
the Worker
did not Hear his Call.

To draw Attention,
the Supervisor threw a 10 Rupee Note
in Front of Worker.

He picked up the Note, put it in His Pocket &
Continued to Work.

Again to Draw Attention m.Supervisor now threw 500 Rupee Note & the Worker did the same,

Now the Supervisor picked a small Stone & threw on the Worker.

The Stone hit the Worker.

This time the Worker looked Up &
the Supervisor Communicated with Him.
This Story is same as of our 'LIFE'...

Lord from Up,
wants to Communicate with Us,
but We are Busy doing our Worldly Jobs.

Then, God give Us Small Gifts & big gifts
We just keep it without Seeing
from Where We Got it.
We are the Same.
Just keep
without Thanking God, We just say
We are LUCKY.

Then when We are Hit with a Small Stone, which We call PROBLEMS,
then We look Up & Communicate with God..

Monday, 9 September 2013

Dedicated to Girls

Every girl waits for that special day when she
knows, she will dress up like a queen
And shine like a star ...
She will personify everyone that day
Her charming looks would win the heart of just one

Yes Every Girl Waits For That Special Day..

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Real Love

Never fall in love wit someone who
can make your life beautiful...
seems selfish love...
Always fall in luv with somone whos life
may be more beautiful wit
your love...
its real love... 

Friday, 23 August 2013

A Good Relations

 Relations are like stapler pins, Easy to attach
very hard to detach and even if pin is removed,

It always leaves its mark...

Thursday, 22 August 2013

My Day Complete

I Don't Need A Long Day
With You.
The Movement You Hold Me
For Few Seconds.
Make My Day Complete... !


Girl : I need to talk to you...

Boy : About what?

Girl : Last night...

Boy : Oh! ok sure..

Girl : Uhhh yeah that kiss...
it was an accident Boy stares at her in confusion..

Girl : I don't know...
It kinda just slipped...
and I wasn't thinking,
and I was tired and it was home coming and I...

Boy : Hey it's all right..
Believe me..

Girl : I just dont want you to think I have feelings for you...

I mean I do but, not that way...

Boy : Ohh ok...

Shes about to walk away.. 
He grabbed her hands...

Boy : Can I tell you something?

Girl : Uhhh sure...

Boy : To tell you the truth,
I dont believe in accidents...

That kiss we shared after the dance happened..
because it had a purpose.!!

Everything happened because theres a purpose..
Like when we met each other back in 7th grade,

now we're Juniors in high school.

Since we met I know we'd be together but I just cant say that I...

He wrapped her around his arms..

Boy : You dont know how long I wanted to say this to you... I LOVE YOU,

i wanna be your boyfriend and be with you forever..

She stares at him...
Looked at his warm comforting eyes and she felt warm around his arms...

Girl : You know when I said I dont have feeling for you?
I lied... I LOVE YOU too I just didnt know how to say it..

They looked at each other..
They both felt warm as they are wrapped in each others arms....

And they KISSED..... 

True Friend

Some things cannot be described.

some moments cannot be shared,

some feelings cannot be explained,


nothing can be hidden from a TRUE FRIEND........

Saturday, 17 August 2013

lovable words from lovable person..

Some day if i die 
don't think that i'm forget you..
Just have a look towards sky !!
My tears will be a rain drop on your cheeks to say 
"Hey..........I'm still with you "

Friday, 16 August 2013

True loving guy

Girl : Crying

Boy : Whats Wrong..??

Girl : Nothing.

Boy : "Hugs the Girl" & Said Sorry.

Girl : Why did u say Sorry.

Boy : Cause i was not there to
Protect u from the Person
who made u Cry.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Perfect Guy

Perfect guy is not the one who has
more money
or the most handsome one you'll
Its the one who knows how to
makes you smile

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Relationships ends but feelings continues...

How can i forget him...

When my mobile and I.d password is
his name.. !!


how can i change the passwords,
when i am still in love with him.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Memorable line

"Its not important to go to heaven
after we leave,

but its important to create heaven
in someone's heart,
before we leave.."

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Becoz Of U

Boy: Can I confess something to you?
Girl: Sure!

Boy: You have the prettiest smile I have ever seen....
Girl: Can I confess something as well?

Boy: Yeahh.
Girl: This smile only exists because of you..

Thursday, 8 August 2013

You Are Only For Me..

A sea is for you, and waves are
for me. The sky is for you, and
stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for
Everything is for you, and you are
for me...

Broken Heart

 She wanted to leave
She left...
I had to loose
I lost...
The diffrence is,
She just lost a moment of life
In that moment
I lost
My whole life...  

Saturday, 3 August 2013

I miss this persOn

I may nOt be the mOst impOrtant persOn
in yOur life

but i just hOpe that

One day when u hear my name u

wOuld just smile & say

"I miss this persOn"...!!!

My Friends

I respect my friends more than others
I care for my friends better than others
its my bad habit that
I hurt them more than others
Because I love them more than others..!!

Friday, 2 August 2013

The Best Time

The Best time of ur life
are those when u say
"YES" i m fine,
& u know that
someone would look into your
eyes & say "ENOUGH, now tell the

A Miracle

A  miracle is not 
when you get something that you will never have.
A miracle is 
when you want something 
you get it when you need it the most